Monday, May 12, 2008

Mother's Day

So...Quince isn't much of the gift giving type, but I did get a sweet card from him this year (which may actually be more than I got last year...I can't remember). He had Cole most of the day Saturday to himself, so he even took the time to paint his hands and put them in the no other color than PURPLE, of course! My fav.

He wrote the following, "Congratulations! You qualify this year! After all the sleep you've missed and everything you do, day after day after day and will continue to do day after day for the next 30years. I thought a card was the least I could do. Love you, Quince"

Gotta love 'em, right? lol

All in all, it was good day though...even if I did have to make my own breakfast, and clean the kitchen afterwards. It's only my second year as a 'mother', so I am still training him. It took 6yrs to get a Valentine's Day Gift...oh wait...I think I'm still working on's just the whole Anniversary and Valentine's Day are TWO DIFFERENT DAYS and TWO DIFFERENT HOLIDAYS that he seems to have trouble with. But he has Birthday's and Christmas down pretty well. These things take time!

On another note, I am an aunt yet again. Quince's Brother, Clint, and his wife, Sasha, had their 4th child (2nd little girl) Saturday the 10th at around 9pm. She weighed 7 pounds 3.5 ounces and was 19 inches long. They named her name is Lillie Antonette Altman. So that makes 10 neices and nephews from Quince's side and one from mine (we are way behind! lol)

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