Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Zoo Trip

So we took Cole to the Zoo for the first time on Thursday (May 15th). He LOVES animals, knows the names of most, can sign most of them (though now he is talking more he says most of them), and their noises....even a camel. So we couldn't wait to take him to the zoo to see the animals. We took the train and then the Metro down to DC, and then walked about a block or two to the zoo. Unfortunately, the back half of the zoo closed at noon (where most of the animals are) So we didn't get to hit everything. But the weather was perfect, and Cole was passed out by noon anyhow, so we headed home shortly thereafter.
Cole wasn't as 'excited' as Quince had hoped, but I think he was more mesmorized. He would press up against the glass/gate and just repeat the animal name over and over and stare. It was cute.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Lupus Research Walk

For those that don't know, I have been given an 'unofficial' diagnosis of Lupus, basically I fall into the category and the Lupus meds have been working to treat me for several years now, so it is assumed I have Lupus. So....I will be walking in the Lupus Research Walk this year, with Quince in tow...check out our pages, join us or donate if you can!

My Page: http://walk.lupusresearch.org/site/TR?pg=personal&fr_id=1950&px=1646838

Quince’s Page: http://walk.lupusresearch.org/site/TR?pg=personal&fr_id=1950&px=1651714

Just a reminder, I know November seems so far away, but time goes by so fast these days! Join us in the walk or donate if you can.
Don’t leave nearby? Find a walk in your area or be a virtual walker!

Check out the newest press release from ALR http://www.lupusresearch.org/about/documents/NWHWrelease-final.pdf

Dear Friends and Family,
I recently registered for the 2008 Washinigton DC Alliance for Lupus Research (ALR) Walk with Us to Cure Lupus Walkathon, which will be held on November 2nd at National Mall, Capitol Reflecting Pool. 100% of the contributions to this event will go to support lupus research programs, because ALR's Board of Directors pays for all administrative and fundraising costs.
Your support will help me reach my own fundraising goal, and is essential to the success of ALR's mission: to prevent, treat, and cure lupus through medical research. More information on the Alliance for Lupus Research can be found at http://www.lupusresearch.org/.
It is faster and easier than ever to give your support! Visit my Personal Webpage to donate with a credit card online. Immediately after making your gift, you will receive an email with tax receipt information.
You can also send me a check contribution. Make all checks payable to the Alliance for Lupus Research, and include my ID Number in the check's memo line:
It is best for you to mail checks to me directly so I can collect them and turn them in on walk day. You can also mail checks directly to the Alliance for Lupus Research at: Walk with Us to Cure Lupus, 28 West 44th Street, Suite 501, New York, NY 10036.
Whatever you can give will help; it all adds up! Also, feel free to forward this message to anyone you think might want to support me as I Walk to Cure Lupus. I appreciate your support and will keep you updated on my progress.
Jennifer Altman
Visit my Personal Webpage now!

Facts About Lupus
Lupus is a chronic autoimmune disease in which a person's immune system mistakenly attacks the body's own tissue.
Lupus can cause life-threatening damage to major organs such as the kidneys, lungs, heart and central nervous system.
Lupus is the leading cause of death among women with autoimmune diseases who are in their childbearing years (ages 15-45).
Women are five times more likely to die from lupus than men, and African Americans are three times more likely to die from lupus than caucasians.
Between 1979 and 1998 there was an approximate 70% increase in lupus deaths among middle-aged African American women.
National Walk Supporter

Learn more about the Alliance for Lupus Research Change email options

Monday, May 12, 2008

Mother's Day

So...Quince isn't much of the gift giving type, but I did get a sweet card from him this year (which may actually be more than I got last year...I can't remember). He had Cole most of the day Saturday to himself, so he even took the time to paint his hands and put them in the card...in no other color than PURPLE, of course! My fav.

He wrote the following, "Congratulations! You qualify this year! After all the sleep you've missed and everything you do, day after day after day and will continue to do day after day for the next 30years. I thought a card was the least I could do. Love you, Quince"

Gotta love 'em, right? lol

All in all, it was good day though...even if I did have to make my own breakfast, and clean the kitchen afterwards. It's only my second year as a 'mother', so I am still training him. It took 6yrs to get a Valentine's Day Gift...oh wait...I think I'm still working on that...it's just the whole Anniversary and Valentine's Day are TWO DIFFERENT DAYS and TWO DIFFERENT HOLIDAYS that he seems to have trouble with. But he has Birthday's and Christmas down pretty well. These things take time!

On another note, I am an aunt yet again. Quince's Brother, Clint, and his wife, Sasha, had their 4th child (2nd little girl) Saturday the 10th at around 9pm. She weighed 7 pounds 3.5 ounces and was 19 inches long. They named her name is Lillie Antonette Altman. So that makes 10 neices and nephews from Quince's side and one from mine (we are way behind! lol)

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Push ups! Push ups!

Cole has become quite the DSgt., He quite frequently demands that Quince do push-ups. He says "push-ups, push-up", and even makes him take his shirt off, by saying "belly". First he gets on Quince's back, and then after several reps, he comes around to the front and climbs on his shoulder. Afterwards, he attempts them on his own. It is hilarious to watch! He is gonna make sure his Daddy stays in shape! haha

Everyone else is doing it....

So, I decided that Blogging must be the 'in' thing and decided to try a stab at it. Afterall, everyone else is doing it...so why shouldn't I? And No, Dad, I wouldn't jump off a mountain just because my friends did (and yes it's true, you did say that to me more than a few times, I am sure!).

Anyway...so, this is my attempt at blogging.